If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

DSeT mindset for growth

God is omnipresent. His benign presence in every atom of the universe is to lead us in the path of brightness from the shallowness of darkness and ignorance. Every human being is blessed and empowered to achieve greater heights in health, wealth, skill sets and causes of social well-being.

Our own inhibitions, low self-esteem, negative thoughts, stress, habits, situations etc. often hinder us from achieving our potential and living a dream life. With global macroeconomic conditions, job losses have been pervasive. Job loss creates severe stress and trauma for many. With the loss of livelihood, increasing expenses and no immediate income avenues in sight – many of us suffer from insurmountable mental agony. Family and near and dear ones are affected as well.

If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be the smartphones, tablets, and laptops of every such person who I can inspire and mentor to deset for growth, prosperity and towards a fulfilling life. Digital defaults to our lives and being a digital nomad imparts me the scale and platform to influence and inspire with an execution-oriented program from wherever I am and whatever resources I have.

Our formal education, parents, friends, and relatives, most of them embroiled a thought of good grades, jobs and salvation. This forces us to be enslaved to a single source of income from salary alone. Entrepreneurial spirits are not taught, nurtured or harnessed to generate multiple sources of income. The danger of a single source of income, SALARY is obvious, especially when companies are under pressure due to a poor economy, toxic work culture, inefficient managers, orthodox leadership and many more such factors.

I live in people’s devices and inspire, motivate and positively influence towards de-setting for growth in health, wealth, skills, income and social impact one can achieve from wherever they live and whatever resources they have. I dream of living as a digital nomad, living a passionate and fulfilling life while coaching and mentoring a million others to a higher energy, growth and spiritual trajectory.

Feel free to reach out for your DSeT journey with me!

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